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yan ran中文是什么意思

用"yan ran"造句"yan ran"怎么读"yan ran" in a sentence


  • 鄢然


  • In 2006 , chinese pop diva faye wong and her husband , li yapeng , launched the yan ran angel foundation
  • The celebrity couple set up the yan ran angel foundation named after their daughter , who recently underwent surgery to treat her own cleft lip in november to help children born with cleft lips and palates . it will target children under 14 years of age
    王菲和李亚鹏的女儿于去年11月接受了“唇裂”整容手术, “嫣然天使基金会”就是以她的名字命名的,这项基金将专为那些14岁以下的唇腭裂儿童提供救助。
用"yan ran"造句  
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